The Office of the Attorney General of Guam has filed a consumer complaint against Pacific Tiny Homes, the office announced on July 5, 2022.
The Office of the Attorney General of Guam has filed a consumer complaint against Pacific Tiny Homes, the office announced on July 5, 2022.
The Office of the Attorney General has filed a civil complaint against a company that builds container homes on Guam, according to a news release from the attorney general.
The Consumer Protection Division lodged a complaint against Pacific Tiny Homes and its owner, defendant Paul Vincent U. Sablan, on allegations that he violated the Consumer Protection Act on multiple fronts for failing to legitimately sell container homes, the release stated.
The attorney general is asking the court to order the defendant to cease illegal business practices, refund the amount paid to the consumers, pay fines, and award attorney fees.
Two of the three consumers listed in the complaint reported similar experiences, where they paid Pacific Tiny Homes down payments of $20,000 and $5,000 and received nothing in return. When they asked for a refund, the defendant refused to return their down payments.
The third consumer received his container home, but the work was incomplete and there were numerous defects in and around the container home. The consumer filed a complaint with Consumer Protection after his repeated requests to fix the defects went unaddressed, and Sablan failed to honor the one-year warranty on the home.
There are seven counts alleging the defendant:
Assistant Attorney General Marinna N. Julian is handling this matter for the Office of the Attorney General.
Consumers who have a complaint can contact the Consumer Protection Division at or call 671-475-2720.
A man was charged with taking a woman’s car after saying he could repair her air conditioner for $300.
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